We left Westminster, headed to Colorado Springs for 1 night and then onto Las Animas, Colorado. where we spent the night in the Colorado Springs Elks Lodge.
Susan called Becky and Jim and arranged for a lunch date. We spent the time going over what we have done and where we are going. But as in all things, time is too short, as Becky and Jim had a camping date with the grand-kids and needed to get going.
We left the next day, Saturday morning and headed to the town of Las Animas, Colorado via CO 94 (East) and then left onto CO 71 (south).
Where a very close friend has moved back to. After spending over 30 years in the Phoenix area she has decided to move back to her home town.
Susan and I could not miss out on the opportunity to stop and visit, especially since it was on the Road to Haslet, TX. Our stay here was lovely and quite. We were able to park between a football field and the Bend State Park.
We walked down to the town's small cafe, where we had breakfast/lunch. The food was good and not expensive. We talked about what drove the change and where we were all heading. We discussed children, grand children and mutual friends. We must have spend over 2 hours enjoying ourselves. In the end though it was time to leave and continue our journey to Amazon.
Both Susan and I agree on this, the town seems to agree with her and we know she will be happy here. To everyone that knows Rose she is looking great and doing well.
So, back on the road to Haslet.
We continued our journey to Lamar on CO 71 and then headed south on Hwy 287. DaGirls plan, travel on Hwy 287 until we come to Wichita Falls. Then it is onto Bridgeport Texas for 2 weeks at a Thousand Trails CG, as we cannot arrive at our assigned campground until Oct. 12th, 2 days before our start date.
Along the way, we located a small town called Campo located in southeast Colorado:
DaGirls travels thru Colorado can be seen in the photos below:
Our stop for the night was a town just across the Colorado / Oklahoma state line. A small town called Boise, OK. Susan located our spot in the Escapee’s Days End Camping list. Just behind the Dairy Queen. Our other choice would have been the Love’s truck stop just on the east side of town.
As you can see, we made a wise choice in our location.
Loves Truck Stop:
Behind the wooded fence behind DQ
Susan and I took a walk into town from the DQ. Being late Saturday afternoon, most of the town had closed down except for the DQ.
We awoke to cool weather and decided to head out early. First order of Business....Stop in at The Big Texan in Amarillo, Texas. The last time I was here, was in 1978.
We/I had a chance for a quick photo op:
When we got on the road, our plan was to lay over in Memphis, TX, for the night. However once we arrived, our decision changed. Onto Wichita Falls, where the city has a campground. For $17, you get a pull thru or back in site with water and electric, and you can dump either on the way out or coming in.
“SeeYa, Safe and Happy Journeys”

"DaGirls Rv, Me, Della, Susan & Tilly"