We arrived and had DaGirls setup and relaxing.

Della was in her position with Tilly guarding her and her pillow.

Even Susan got into the act of relaxing. Especially with Tilly on guard.
We relaxed in the Peace Island Campground, Taylor, BC. Electric only but large sites and most of them are pull thrus. So, we sat back, relaxed, drove around and visited the local sites. This was our chance to just sit back after 2 long days of driving the Alaska Highway, some of it still under construction.
Prior to our leaving Taylor, we noticed the highway leading out was under construction going up the steep hill. We escaped the worst, by leaving early in the morning before the real road traffic got started.
Once up the hill we settled down into driving the last 30 miles. We discussed at which point to switch drivers, but I lost and drove the entire 30 miles into town.
We arrived early, around 8 am. Located Tubby's RV & Car Wash and while I settled into cleaning DaGirls Rv, Susan went in search of a campground, propane and check out the town.
It has been way to long in giving DaGirls a really good bath, but with most of the worst road construction behind us, we felt she needed a good one.
Every time we landed at a park that had water or high pressure hose we would at least wash the radiator and CAC. We knew if we kept this up, we would never experience any heating issues in the coming year. So, my recommendation, at least wash your cooling system if nothing else.
We landed at the Mile “0” campground next to Pioneer Park, a small museum with buildings showing the history of the settlers of days gone by.

Once settled in, the next item on my agenda was finish up cleaning DaGirls Rv. Tires, wheels, windows and just plain wiping her down and getting all the crap off. I then started on the large storage compartment. I can’t imagine how dirty it could have gotten, if I had not taken Dean’s advise and sealed every corner and seam inside the compartments. I still had dust and dirt, but not as bad as it COULD have been.
It seems like it took all day, but really we were done in a couple of hours. DaGirls look pretty good after all those miles she has put on.
Now about those miles, just how many miles did DaGirls Rv put on.
The first column “AlaskaAdv” is the total of our entry into Canada,Alaska. Travels and our final Canada travels with our arrival in Dawson Creek. The rows are Miles, Cost of Fuel, Average fuel cost per gallon and miles per gallon.
AlaskaAdv USA Canada Alaska Canada
5191 2337 1997 1899 1295
$2,619.15 $949 $1,020 $926 $672
$3.70 $2.97 $4.05 $3.42 $3.64
7.34 7.46 7.74 7.16 7.14
Our venture into Canada started on June 9th, arrived in Alaska on July 2nd and our re-entry into Canada on Aug 23rd.
So, what have we done while in DC. Saw the town, visited stores including a very good meat market. Saw the special sites and enjoyed everything.

Susan spotted a Moose that needed to be set free

I worked hard on setting him free
We spotted the Mile “0” post
Then we found the real mile “0”

But in the end we found the real starting point or at least the one that is close to the real starting point.
By the way, there is a really good meat market in town, which you should stop in and enjoy the products:
If you are into steaks, the kind from dead cows, this is the place, sliced the way you want it.
One last stop before we leave the area. During construction of the Alaska Highway, many of the bridges were built from wood. There is 1 remaining bridge left called the Kistkatinaw Bridge, long and curved:
ok, as Susan would say SeeYa

From DaGirls and us