Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Prince Rupert and the Story of a Grizzly Bear

Ok, as I am finishing up writing this, we are at a pull off just North of Kitimat, BC. How'd we get here? That another Blog Story.

Where's Jeff you ask?

He stayed home puppy sitting

 We left Ksan Campground on Sunday morning June18. Our plan is to arrive in Prince Rupert, and proceed to the Adventure Tour Boat company. Why? Buy our tickets for Monday's Grizzly Bear tour. 

These grizzly bear tours are in the world renowned Khutzeymateen Valley. See Photo below. 

This area provides the best chance to see these legendary giants in their natural environment. From mothers and cubs feeding in the abundant intertidal zone, to large boars prowling the water’s edge in search of food and potential mates, there is no better place to view bears than in their natural environment. (Did I write all this - No). 

Side NOTE: Remote and pristine, the Khutzeymateen was protected in an agreement with the B.C. Government and Tsimshian First Nation in 1994, and is largely regarded as the densest natural grizzly bear habitat in North America.

Now, a little History on Prince Rupert. Prince Rupert is a port city in British Columbia, Canada. It is located on Kaien Island near the Alaskan panhandle. Prince Rupert is the land, air, and water transportation hub of British Columbia's North Coast. It is the terminus for ferry traffic to Southeast Alaska, Haida Gwaii and Vancouver Island.

Prince Rupert was named in 1906 for Prince Rupert, the first governor of the Hudson's Bay Company.  It began as a tent town. Guess what? Prince Rupert, never visited the Island named for him. Yes, the Prince from England - Never came here. 

Prince Rupert is known for being the Halibut Capital of the World. The Canadian Fish & Cold Storage plant opened in 1912. Another Tid-Bit, Halibut like Cod, really has no taste. Least ways to me. O' it will HAVE taste, because people add so much spices and SALT. Sadly it only has more texture then Cod. So, Halibut is not worth spending your $$$$ on. 

Finally, the average cost of living in Prince Rupert is $3,046/month for a single person who rents. The median household income in Prince Rupert is $95,000, while the median after-tax household income sits at $83,000 per year. 

On Monday we were at the docks at 0630. Yes, really early for Susan & Linda. Me, I awake during the night to check the time, as we did not want to miss our tour.  So, I normally do not get a real good sleep. 

I could continue on with description on the boat and people but will stop here. Just to say, this was an awesome tour, between the boat, people and tour. We arrived in time, before the real crowds arrived in PR for the summer. 

Just a few photos of the Harbor (the big yellow catamaran was our vessel).

Below is just a sample of Photos I took

On the way back in, we were told someone was keeping an eagle eye on the boat.

Ok, that wraps it up for this one.
Safe Travels and journeys
DaGirls Rv AKA Gus
Susan, Dakota, Tilly and me


Carlsbad, NM

 I will catch everyone up on the who, what and where. Currently we are at the Elks Lodge #1558, in Carlsbad, NM. We left Lake Colorado City ...