Ok, first, we moved to Kenai Elks Lodge on Friday, July 14.
Since then it has gone from a Misty rain to constance sprinkle of rain for 12 hours straight.
Kenai Weather Forecast
14 Day API Weather Forecast. Note: Our 7 day Kenai weather forecast is our most reliable, and specific forecast. This model should only be used as a probable scenario. Forecasting more than 7 days ahead is challenging.
Kenai, AK Weather Forecast Dated: 915 AM Sun Jul 16 2023 (Kenai Time)
Sun, 16th

Lo: 53°F
Hi: 57°F Heavy rain Sunday, temperatures as high as 57°F, low temperature around 53°F, chance of rain 97%, wind out of the NE 10 mph. Barometric pressure 29.8 in, visibility 5 mi, humidity 95%.
Mon, 17th

Lo: 53°F
Hi: 59°F Patchy rain possible Monday, temperatures as high as 59°F, low temperature around 53°F, chance of rain 88%, wind out of the E 14 mph. Barometric pressure 29.88 in, visibility 6 mi, humidity 89%.
Tue, 18th

Lo: 52°F
Hi: 59°F Partly cloudy Tuesday, temperatures as high as 59°F, low temperature around 52°F, wind out of the SW 8 mph. Barometric pressure 30.06 in, visibility 6 mi, humidity 84%, uv index 4.
Wed, 19th

Lo: 53°F
Hi: 56°F Moderate rain Wednesday, temperatures as high as 56°F, low temperature around 53°F, chance of rain 88%, wind out of the SSW 14 mph. Barometric pressure 30.24 in, visibility 4 mi, humidity 93%.
Thu, 20th

Lo: 51°F
Hi: 61°F Sunny Thursday, temperatures as high as 61°F, low temperature around 51°F, wind out of the SW 9 mph. Barometric pressure 30.27 in, visibility 4 mi, humidity 87%, uv index 4.
Fri, 21st

Lo: 51°F
Hi: 62°F Sunny Friday, temperatures as high as 62°F, low temperature around 51°F, wind out of the WSW 6 mph. Barometric pressure 30.06 in, visibility 6 mi, humidity 83%, uv index 4.
Sat, 22nd

Lo: 53°F
Hi: 62°F Sunny Saturday, temperatures as high as 62°F, low temperature around 53°F, wind out of the SW 19 mph. Barometric pressure 29.94 in, visibility 6 mi, humidity 83%, uv index 4.
Sun, 23rd

Lo: 54°F
Hi: 57°F Patchy rain possible Sunday, temperatures as high as 57°F, low temperature around 54°F, chance of rain 81%, wind out of the SSW 17 mph. Barometric pressure 29.97 in, visibility 5 mi, humidity 87%.
Mon, 24th

Lo: 52°F
Hi: 53°F Heavy rain Monday, temperatures as high as 53°F, low temperature around 52°F, chance of rain 88%, wind out of the SW 9 mph. Barometric pressure 30.06 in, visibility 5 mi, humidity 97%.
Tue, 25th

Lo: 51°F
Hi: 56°F Moderate rain Tuesday, temperatures as high as 56°F, low temperature around 51°F, chance of rain 87%, wind out of the SW 6 mph. Barometric pressure 30.09 in, visibility 6 mi, humidity 91%.
Wed, 26th

Lo: 54°F
Hi: 57°F Patchy rain possible Wednesday, temperatures as high as 57°F, low temperature around 54°F, chance of rain 85%, wind out of the SW 9 mph. Barometric pressure 30.06 in, visibility 6 mi, humidity 87%.
Thu, 27th

Lo: 54°F
Hi: 59°F Patchy rain possible Thursday, temperatures as high as 59°F, low temperature around 54°F, chance of rain 83%, wind out of the SW 11 mph. Barometric pressure 30.15 in, visibility 5 mi, humidity 90%.
Fri, 28th

Lo: 52°F
Hi: 60°F Partly cloudy Friday, temperatures as high as 60°F, low temperature around 52°F, wind out of the SW 16 mph. Barometric pressure 30.09 in, visibility 6 mi, humidity 85%, uv index 4.
Sat, 29th

Lo: 53°F
Hi: 54°F Moderate rain Saturday, temperatures as high as 54°F, low temperature around 53°F, chance of rain 78
Yes, Dakota and Tilly is getting there walks, even in the rain.
Ok, let's talk about Salmon. Do you know there are Salmon Snobs. Yes, snobs, we learned this in 2015. We were in Homer and met fishermen, telling us only this salmon, or prepare it this way or that, clean it, don't hit it.
I always wonder what how people did it 20, 50 or even 100 years ago. You may ask, Dale what are you talking about. Simple, food is food.
In certain areas there is a known fishing called Dipnetting.
Here are some details about dip netting on the Kenai River:
Dip-netting is allowed from 6 AM to 11 PM each day, from July 10 through July 31.
Only Alaska residents may participate in this fishery.
An Upper Cook Inlet Personal Use permit and a 2023 Alaska Sport Fishing license are required to participate.
Dipnetters must possess a current Alaska fishing license, along with a dipnetting card, both of which must be in their possession while fishing.
You are required to record the date, species and number of fish caught before leaving the fishing area.
Bag limits are one king salmon 20 inches or greater in length, and no more than 10 king salmon under 20 inches in length per household.
The Kenai River is the most popular dipnet fishery in Alaska.
The river hosts a hooligan run during the month of May, followed by a sockeye run that peaks during the month of July.
The river is very accessible, with ample amenities for day-trippers or week-long campers.
Now another known fact is: Head of household is allowed 25, each family member is allowed 10. During this time, even the littlest member is on the beach.
I learned this from two, men that setup a tent. The church they belong to, run a mission tent on the beach at this time of year. They serve free hotdogs to everyone. A bounce house is setup for the children to play and allows the parents a small break.
The main reason this continues to be such a big part of Alaskans, is cost of food. This fishing allows them to store enough food for the up coming winter.
Susan and I love watching Chops - a Food Network Show. It is amazing how they cook the weirdness things and yet they all come out tasting great.
So, take a lesson from the locals - food is food. Everything can be made to taste great. Even I am a snob, there are many types of food I have eaten, but now choose not to. Does not mean I will not eat it. I have tried many different foods and will continued to do so.
Rudy, look what I located:
As Susan and I were driving, look what we found 50ft from the road. Sitting as pretty as you please.
Safe Travels and Journeys
Susan, Tilly, Dakota and me
DaGirls Rv, Gus the Bus