So off we went to Tuzigoot and Montezuma castle.
Excerpt from
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Tuzigoot National Monument (Yavapai: ʼHaktlakva, Western Apache: Tú Digiz) preserves a 2- to 3-story pueblo ruin on the summit of a limestone and sandstone ridge just east of Clarkdale, Arizona, 120 feet (36 m) above the Verde River floodplain. The Tuzigoot Site is an elongated complex of stone masonry rooms that were built along the spine of a natural outcrop in the Verde Valley. The central rooms stand higher than the others and they appear to have served public functions.[3] The pueblo has 110 rooms.[4] The National Park Service currently administers 58 acres (23 ha), within an authorized boundary of 834 acres (338 ha).[5]
Tuzigoot is Apache for "crooked water", from nearby Pecks Lake, a cutoff meander of the Verde River. Historically, the pueblo was built by the Sinagua people between 1125 and 1400 CE. Tuzigoot is the largest and best-preserved of the many Sinagua pueblo ruins in the Verde Valley. The ruins at Tuzigoot incorporate very few doors. Instead they use trapdoor type openings in the roofs, and use ladders to enter each room.
Finally off we went to the Montezuma Castle Ruins.
Excerpt from
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Montezuma Castle National Monument protects a set of well-preserved Ancestral Puebloan cliff dwellings near the town of Camp Verde, Arizona, United States. The dwellings were built and used by the Sinagua people, a pre-Columbian culture closely related to the Hohokam and other indigenous peoples of the southwestern United States,[4] between approximately 1100 and 1425 AD. The main structure comprises five stories and twenty rooms, and was built over the course of three centuries.[5]
Neither part of the monument's name is correct. When European-Americans first observed the ruins in the 1860's, by then long-abandoned, they named them for the famous Aztec emperor Montezuma in the mistaken belief that he had been connected to their construction (see also Montezuma mythology).[6] In fact, the dwelling was abandoned more than 40 years before Montezuma was born, and was not a "castle" in the traditional sense, but instead functioned more like a "prehistoric high rise apartment complex".[7]
Several Hopi clans and Yavapai communities trace their ancestries to early immigrants from the Montezuma Castle/Beaver Creek area. Clan members periodically return to these ancestral homes for religious ceremonies.
Friday, Chris & Barbara (Moon Bus) came up from Dewey for a short visit. You see during the Rally, Susan won a $500 gift card from Alfateer’s RV service. Chris made a comment, now what are they going to use that for. Well, instead of us holding onto it we sold it. I mean we had done just about everything we needed to do on DaGirls Rv, we did not need anything, so we sold it and put it to much use for someone. We also went to lunch at Bings Burgers in old town Cottonwood. “ HTTP:// “. Old style burgers cooked the way you want it and located in a old car service station. Yum on the burgers, the onion rings are hand dipped in batter and are really yummy.
Later that day, we went to the music show down at the Thousand Trails Rec center for some oldie, goldie style music. We also enjoyed the company of Ron & Sheryl Johnson. Ron went to Alaska on is motorcycle in 2014, so we enlisted his aid as to his adventure. Even though they have a 2001 SOB, we enjoy the company and discussion about Alaska..
A big thanks to MaryAnne and Ray, while Susan was shopping for supplies, a car stopped by and a wonderful couple name Chip and Julie introduced themselves, seems MaryAnne and Julie are close friends and she informed them of our wear-about, We must have spent over an hour talking about our trips, friends and where we are heading. Julie explained that her bucket list is growing Vs. shrinking and sometimes it seems there are not enough years to see it all. Susan and I can relate to that.
Our plans have changes from traveling up CA 395 and heading west on 120 into Yosemite. After a few word of wisdom and of course checking on the roads, we will be going up CA 99. Although the 395 is a great road for spectacular views and boon docking location, CA 120 is not for DaGirls RV, even though we have driver worst.

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Safe Travels & Journeys
from DaGirls "Della & Tilly"