Monday, February 2, 2015

Day 1 - 5 - Chilling Out in Yuma Lakes

Day 1 – Yuma Lakes


We arrived shortly after 1:30 pm, a short drive from “Q”. With the spiting of rain drops, and wet roads DaGirls Rv and Jeep were a little messy, but hey that's part of full timing in DaGirls Rv.
Susan managed to get 3 loads of laundry done, boy I’m glad she choose to remove the single washer/dryer combo for separate stackable washer/dryer units. Should makes doing laundry easier.
We also managed to find a manual car wash as the Jeep was nasty with road grime. $5 later we could at least see thru the windows and see the front.

Day 2 –Laundry Day


Morning awoke to a good day
Anyway on Tuesday we did make a trip into town to wash rugs, pads, blankets, and sheets. Once done off to the pawn shops. Some people say you can get some good deals, well after visiting all of the locals shops did not see any deals and when I found anything the price was marked as new.
Our neighbor was getting his rig washed & waxed, so the question, How Much for just a Wash? $40 Pedro said. Ok I agreed, will the water leave spots – no. Great here’s $40, we will be back later, and please do the engine compartment.
At the same time, I am making a list of maintenance items for DaGirls Rv;
Oil change RV and generator, Air Filter, Water pump belt, check Fan bearing. Lots of things to check before we leave Az.

Day 3 – Hike and Trip to Hospital


We awoke to Della having a issue with her chin. We had been using some cream to control her itching. We thought we had everything under control, but alas no. So to combat the itching I resorted to Prednisone (maybe 1 tablet too much). I called the Foothills Clinic, but was told appointment on Friday (made) or walk in on Thursday (extra $30). What about today I asked – we close after 12. What if it is an emergency –Sorry can’t help and there are no emergency clinic in town.
Well Della was getting worst and now she was having problems standing and walking straight. So I placed a call to Ironwood Clinic on Ave B. Again sorry no appointment, is there a emergency clinic in town, again no. I was asked what is the problem, which I explained, was told to wait. The next thing I heard can you get her here at 2:45 YES!
While we were waiting for 2 o’clock to arrive we kept her in bed and calm. Once we arrived and were checked in, the Dr. saw her. He noted her head was leaning to one side, which was causing her loss of balance. Nothing can be done as this was a waiting game. He also looked at her chin and help with meds to take care of her. By the time we arrived home, she was feeling much better and able to walk. People around here witnessed me carrying her to the car and were showing concern for her. Total cost for visit and meds was less then $80.
Amazing clinic, if you are in need of a vet I recommend Ironwood as they really have a caring office.
Map of Ironwood Veterinary Clinic
Ironwood Veterinary Clinic
Address: 2632 South Avenue B, Yuma, AZ 85364
Phone:(928) 257-1249
I did get in some photos from my short hike of the area:
1_Road to Mittrey Lake
On the Back Road to Mittry lake and I-95
Broccoli Ready for Cutting
8_broccoli Cutting
Broccoli after a few cuts
9_What Wild animal
What Wild Animal Lurks here ?
We had been invited over to Doug and Wendy’s place for a gathering. After leaving vets and arriving home with a little time left to head over to their place. We were introduced to several Roadrunners complete in their Roadrunner Red Shirts.
10_Jerry & Bobbi
Jerry & Robi
Wendy & Nancy
Day 4 – Trip to the Flea Market


Today was a scheduled trip to the flea market. Along the way was a stop at the USPS and Sven & Sharon's.

Coffee at the Novion’s along with a fireside chat. Once done, off we went in search of the famous Yuma Flea market, where supposedly you could find anything.  Well that’s not true as I was in search of a 12 Vdc air compressor for the jeep. No luck, but what we did come across was a sewing center where for $450 we could have a complete front Bra for the jeep. YES we want it, appointment 8 am on Friday. Yippee off we went, wait is this an impulse buy? Whoa, stop and think, do we want to spend that much $$ for something we might or might not put on for every trip? Or having to take part of it off just to drive a short distance. We decided cancel our appointment and think about this for awhile.
By the way, Della is doing better almost back to her old self. Walks are getting longer and she is looking brighter.
Day 5 – Awoke to the Sound of Rain


That’s it for now
Safe Travels & Journeys
from DaGirls         "Della                     &                Tilly"

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