Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Week 2 and counting

We arrived on the afternoon of July 8. Here it is July 20th., and it has been 12 days, since arrival, 9 days on the job, and 2 weekends on duty.

So, what can we say about Court Sheriff CG? 

The people are great, easy to talk to and get along. They police there sites upon leaving. The vault toilets are nothing like the ones at Spillway Campground in Woods Canyon Lake area in Arizona. 

We explain the rules they signed up for, no one complains, as we say, we choose our battles wisely. Our battles are based on safety of the individuals and property. 

Vault Toilets, many people would say I'm not cleaning those terrible things. The units here are cleaned twice and checked. People here do not mess them up nor do they intentionally, leave them dirty. So, how long does it take me a set of vaults? I could be in and out in under 5 minutes if I choose to, however, I spend about 20 minutes and it takes about 3,000 steps to complete the CG circuit. 

The rest of the day will be spent in cleaning the sites, once they are vacated. Specifically, fire pits. That's it, that is all I am required to complete. However, I need to keep busy, so I have taken to picking up the small pieces of trash (paper, cigarette butts) and other items on the ground. 

So, Do You Have What it Takes to be a Camp Host Volunteer ?

Safe Journeys and Travels
Susan, Tilly, Dakota and me
DaGirls Rv

Remember the 3 "W's"

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Weather Changes

HINT: By clicking on the Photos they will enlarge to full size. What a week it has been. We have traveled just to stay out of bad weather. ...