Monday, March 25, 2019

Lyndon B. & Lady Bird, & Walk-a-Bouts

With a few days of drizzle we stuck close to home. But we did go out and see some unique places;

Johnson, City Home of Lyndon B. Johnson

Lady Bird Johnson Park

LBJ Ranch both state and national park

And of course some walk-a-bouts

1 comment:

  1. Oh, how WUNDERBAR. Love your eye through the camera. Very nice impressions of our beloved Hill Country. Can't wait seeing/laughing/eating/hiking and drinking with you guys!


Title of this Journey ?

Day 1, on DaRoad again, with music Ghosts Riders in the Sky, playing in the background. Sung by the Highwaymen: Waylon Jennings, Kris Kristo...