Friday, May 27, 2022

Unexpected Stop

Ok, let's continue, with our journey. We left our funeral home and transition back onto US Hwy 60. Now some people would just head north and grab an Interstate Hwy, but not us.  We prefer the lesser known roads. Fewer cars, & trucks and smaller towns. Each one with a unique favor. 

Our journey today was purely by accident. All due to Susan seeing a sign of a town called Yeso, NM. I am very serious, about this. You blink and it is gone. You passed it, knowing left to see and you drive thru. However Susan, mention something and next thing, she was pulling over. This would allow a short walk for Dakota & Tilly and me to grab some shots.

I menton, Susan saw a sign. 

Then I spied the Post Office - New Vs Old

Other then the remaining buildings was in the construction of the building or what was left of them.

As I walked back to Gus, Susan and DaGirls were walking outside. Once back in, Houston we have an issue.

We have explained to Dakota many times. We no longer allow our pets to drive.

Now you maybe wondering, there were only 2 additional building. Both of them were small homes. And yes, they both looked like someone was living in them. 

And I am NOT talking about the tumbleweeds.

This is All for now.
Susan, Tilly, Dakota and me
DaGirls Rv AKA Gus.


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Weather Changes

HINT: By clicking on the Photos they will enlarge to full size. What a week it has been. We have traveled just to stay out of bad weather. ...