Sunday, August 8, 2021

All Work and No Play - You Miss Out on alot of Interesting things

 It's been what? Almost 30 days since the last post. Where does time fly. 

Well, I could show you photos on the progress of the cabin, but that would spoil the surprise. Instead, I will show you some photos of what we have been doing for Fun and Relaxation.

Once a year, there is a parade, car show and art show in Snowflake/Taylor. It starts with an Art Show on Friday, then on Saturday a Car show along with the parade. Our goal was the car show and plus it was an easy travel day. 

One of the big reason for going was our neighbor Allen & Mary. Mary had called and let us know about the show, and normally Allen would attend the car show with one of his cars. You see we learned he is a collector of very old cars, similar to one of a kind.

This is just one of the cars he keeps up in Show Low:

But due to other issues he was unable to make it back to S L. 

Susan and I had a wonderful drive and enjoy the sights of the are on that day July 24. 

Now fast forward, and yes no photos of the work on the cabin, as this is photos of what we are enjoying.

But first, let me introduce our very close friends, because of them we have been able to accomplish alot and more important. When they drop in all work stops and we all enjoy a wonderful evening.

Lorraine & Mike Lynch

For without them many things would not have been accomplished quickly.

It seems there are still a few Chuck Wagons in working condition on some of the ranches.

We learned of a event call the Chuck Wagon/ Dutch Oven cookout, over in Pinedale. This event is held once a year, and is the big fund raiser for the Pinedale / Clay Spring Volunteer Fire Department. One of the neat things about Pinedale is, it still has the over covered bridge remaining in the state of Arizona:

As this was our first Chuck Wagon event, we learned some very important facts.
1. Get here early and buy your food ticket. The food tickets goes fast. 
2. Bring chairs and find/pick your spot 
3. Wear LOOSE pants and belt. As they give you ALOT of food.

And finally, Mike and Lorraine are alot like Susan & I. We love to get off the main road and take the beaten path. As we were leaving Mike said which way. Ok, so I said right cause I knew a back road to the main highway.

Our road took us to the Juniper Ridge Rd - Where the Lookout Tower is located. We did not realize what had happen a few weeks ago. You see the Arizona Monsoon season started up. Little did anyone realize how massive they would be. 

About 3 weeks ago, the Show Low area was hit with a total rain fall of over 5 inches in a matter of a few hours. Many stores were flooded and a few still remain closed. many streets were closed due to being flooded.

A levee was breeched up in Taylor, along with many homes being flooded out in Miami, Az. due to the Telegraph Fire. 

Since then, we have had a steady stream of on/off rain fall until this week. Where we have not had rain for 5 days. 

The photos do NOT really give you a perspective of the size of the pile of debris against the trees. 

Picture this, if I had stood against one of the piles, Some of those piles would have been as tall as me. These pile of debris have been piled up since the Wallow and the Rodeo Chediski fire.

A final wave goodbye from everyone as we headed back home.

Susan, Mike, Lorraine, and me
DaGirls Rv
Safe Travels and Journeys

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Weather Changes

HINT: By clicking on the Photos they will enlarge to full size. What a week it has been. We have traveled just to stay out of bad weather. ...