Tuesday, December 31, 2019

2019 Year End Wrap Up

What really happen?
Changes to our Lot in Yuma.

 German Schnitzel

Traveled to Fredericksburg, Tx for Alfa Rally

Traveled around in the Texas Hill country to the coach

Traveled north through Arkansa up to Nebraska

From Friend, Ne to Custer, South Dakota

Headed south to Albuquerque, NM for AIBF (Balloon Festival)

Checked out New Mexico State Parks

Headed back to out Lot in Yuma and completed additional improvements to our lot.

And morn the loss of 4 close friends

Wayne Taubman

Dan Thorn

Kay Aerts-Miller

Christian Eck

Susan, Tilly, Dakota and I, Wish Each and everyone a Happy New Year.

To Life to the Fullest. Enjoy the many journeys you take each and every day.
Get Up and Out see this beautiful Country we live in.  

Start Each Day with the Words, 
"I Want to do it All" 
and Never Stop until it is time

DaGirls Blog - Wishing Everyone A Blessed New Year.

Heat - and More Heat

One of the things Susan and I learned many years ago living in Arizona, is how to keep the Heat Outside the coach.  We start with our Sun/Wi...