As promised, we have faster internet, which allow me to upload photos:
The travels of DaGirls Rv. Piloted by Dakota and Tilly, who along with Susan and Dale travel highways and by-ways of this wonderful country. It was Koko and Della (Rainbow Bridge) free spirits that caused us to travel Freely in an Rv.
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Catching Up With Photos
Saturday, October 3, 2020
2020 Yuma Bound or How to Keep your Bubble.
Our next stop on our way to Yuma, was to be the Elk's Lodge in Show Low, Az., but something amazing happened. We received word from Lorraine & Mike Lynch in Pinetop, Az. As the word went, come on over and park in front of the house, so we diverted to Pinetop where we enjoy the company of Lorraine & Mike for 2 nights.
We remenisk and enjoy the company of another set of close friends, what can I say, with our friends, we have enjoyed a very blessed life.
Needless to say, we all headed out in the General (OHV) for a 6 hour ride into the Apache National Forest, along the way we saw the countryside from a different perspective. We also all learned to appreciate the easy life and to stop and smell the roses.
The photos will have to wait till we have a better signal.
Happy Cabin Update
Show Low & Happy Cabin A little catch up along with some of the wildlife we have captured just to name a few. Few of the Wildlife We h...

After Fort St. James, our plan, head south and east to a US port of entry. Exactly where? We had at least 2 to 3 port of entries selected...
Where are we? Hwy I-84 heading east to Utah. First, I wish to state, we are sorry, we did not stop and see anyone in Washington or Oregon,...
“Why do you go away? So that you can come back. So that you can see the place you came from with new eyes and extra colors. And the people t...